Thursday, September 18, 2008

Upcoming Course: Your Family Tree on the Internet

A hands-on exploration of Internet resources. Discover how to grow your family tree with this modern tool. Exchange messages, with long "lost" relatives or connect with those researching your surname or locality. Learn how to access collections, databases, and locate government papers. Determine which sources are credible and how to keep track of your favorite web sites. We will spend all our time on genealogical related Internet sites each session. Students will use individual computers with time set aside each class to practice and explore favorite genealogical sites.
Instructor: Deborah Tajmajer

Begins: September 24 Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM
Course #GC307
Address: Three Shaw's Cove, New London
Course Length: 6 weeks

You may sign-up on the New London Adult ED website or phone them. Ask for a catalog too as it will have directions, etc. Contact by phone: (860) 437-2385

If you have questions let me know!
Deborah Tajmajer,
Connecticut Ancestor Connections

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"Thunder in the Valley"

The Moodus Drum & Fife Corps will host it's Annual "Thunder in the Valley" annual Ancient Muster on Saturday the 18th of October 2008 with a fife and drum parade being held at 12 noon. The Muster will be held at the old Grange Hall on Town Street, East Haddam Ct. (intersection of Rt 151 and East Haddam-Colchester Turnpike). Each year twenty Fife and Drum Corps come to East Haddam to particiapte in this evnet! Groups come from New England, New York and New Jersey. There will be a picinic dinner availble with tickers for sale at event. The public is invited.

For mapping use this address: 499 Town Street, East Haddam Ct 06423. Camping is available.

The Moodus corps strives to maintain a tempo that is considerable slower than that used by most corps today and is representative of the values instilled by the cadre of Moodus drummers that have gone before. It is this magic sound that has brought the Moodus Drum and Fife Corps a long and honored history of playing before several U.S. presidents, numerous commemorative events, and musters from Maine to Michigan.