Bring a picnic and join us after the East Haddam parade (Monday, May 28, 2007) for a day of family fun on the beautiful Amasa Day House grounds. 11-00-3:00.One of the house’s of the Antiquirian and Landmark Society.
Free admission to the grounds and free tours of the 1816 Federal – style house, home Civil War Veteran Eugene Chafee, Amasa Day's son-in- law. Donations are kindly requested.Civil War Re-enactors! Join the drill and more. Living history at its best!
12:45 performance of the East Haddam stage company’s “They call me Lizzie… from Slavery to the White House.” Best known as dressmaker and confidant to Mary Todd Lincoln.
Purchase refreshments, victorian toys and much more.
From Rte 9; Exit 7, Moodus, to Rte 82 East. Pass Goodspeed Opera House to Rte. 149. Museum is north 4.2 miles at the junction of Rtes 149 and 151.
From Rte 2: Exit 16, Moodus, right onto Rte 149 South. Museum is south 8 miles at the intersection of Rtes 149 and 151.
Amasa Day House
Plains Road
On the Green
Moodus, Connecticut 06469
(860) 247-8996 ext. 12
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