Sunday, December 31, 2006

Your Family Tree Using the Internet - Spring 2007

A hands-on exploration of Internet resources: regional websites, special databases, library catalogs, and government records. Exchange messages with long "lost" relatives or those researching your surname and locality. Determine which sources are credible and how to keep track of your discoveries. Be better prepared for your on-site research trips via the Internet.

Students will use individual computers with time set aside each class to explore favorite genealogical sites. $5 for handouts payable at first class. Length: Once a week for 6 weeks - 6:30-8:30.

Two Locations:

~ New London Adult Education at Shaw Cove computer lab.
Tuesdays: Begining March 2007. Sign-up: via the link above, phone NLAE at 860-437-2385, or email the instructor with your questions,

~ Wethersfield Adult Education at the Wetherfield High School. Wednesdays: Beginning March 2007. Sign-up: via th elink above, phone 860-571-8250, or email the instructor with your questions,

Wondering if this course for you?
Email or phone me for specifics and/or a course outline.
Other Course(s) taught: See description below and at this link:

Friday, October 13, 2006

Ask a Professional Genealogist at Godfrey Memorial Library in Middletown, CT

October is Family History Month.....

Just staring out? Have a brick wall? Checking to see how you are doing? Ask a professional genealogist on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006.! All are welcomed. Four professional genealogist will be on hand to answer family history questions at the Godfrey Memorial Library in Middletown, CT. The genealogist are members of the Connecticut Professional Genealogist Council. Staff will set aside approximatily 20 minutes per person seeking assistance with their individual projects.

Godfrey recently completed renovations to their building.The library's collection specializes in Connecticut genealogy and New England references in general. Access to the Internet will be available. They are also the host to a LDS (Morman) branch library with borrowing privilages from the main library in Utah.

Time: 10-1:00

Godfrey Memorial Library
134 Newfield Street
Middletown, CT 06457-2534
Phone: 860-346-4375

From I-91, exit 22S onto Route 9 South. Exit 15 onto Route 66 West (also Washington Street). At fifth traffic light turn right onto Route 3 North (also Newfield Street). The Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the right.

From the North on I-95, take Exit 69 onto Route 9 North. Take Exit 15 and follow above directions.

From the South on I-95, take the I-91 North exit to exit 18 (Route 66 East),
follow Route 66 east to Route 3 North (also Newfield Street).
Turn left on Route 3. The Library is approximately 1/4 mile on the right.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Losing Research Hours at the National Archives (NARA)

Dear Fellow Researchers,

The hour changes at NARA will affect the research needs of many of us here in Connecticut. Please see the link below to electronically sign a petition. You will be able to read what other people have said (before or after signing) about the proposed new hours and what some researchers have suggested instead.

These are the closest National Archives (NARA): Waltham (Boston) MA, Pittsfield, MA, and New York City.

Deborah T.


"NARA announced recently ( Thursday, Aug. 31) that very few genealogists have made their voices heard on the issue of the reduction of hours at the National Archives. The Federation of Genealogical Societies Records Preservation and Access Committee has prepared a statement indicating that, “This lack of response sends a loud signal to the Archives that this is not a serious issue and that closing the Archives on evenings and Saturdays is irrelevant. The RPAC has recommended the following suggestions for the Archives to consider:"

“1. To accommodate the needs of those who need access on Saturdays, we propose that you close one other day per week. This would be at your discretion. Other archives often close Sunday and Monday."

“2. Users who need evening hour access could be accommodated by opening the archives later in the day, again at your discretion."

“If you agree with the recommendations stated above, we are asking your support by immediately going on-line and adding your ‘signature’ to our petition to substitute the hours of access and still help the archives to meet their need to consolidate their hours of operation. Before 8 September 2006, please go to:
(case sensitive)

“If you would like to send your own personal letter, send it prior to 8 September 2006 and address it to:

Regulations Comments Desk (NPOL)
Room 4100, Policy and Planning Staff
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001”

Please help spread the word on this important issue by sharing it with others.

Connecting to Connecticut Ancestor Connections

Thank you for visiting.
Sharing ancestral news in and around Connecticut.

Contact Deborah to add your Connecticut genealogical/historical event.

Where did you come from? Are you in need of a researcher?

This link is to Deborah's Historical and Genealogical Research Service business website. Discovering the Past to Connect with the Future!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Deborah T. in CT